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Welcome Back to the Farm

Two Kays Flower Farm

Updated: Jun 24, 2024

AGRITOURISIM: Agritourism or agrotourism involves any agriculturally based operation or activity that brings visitors to a farm or ranch.

When we started this flower farming journey I have to admit agritourisim was not on the business plan.

*Ok, who am I kidding, there was no business plan the first year*

We planned to grow, sell in the farm stand and supply our florists... But y'all just wouldn't have it. So many folks were curious about our farm and wanted to experience the beauty that is a working farm.

In 2021 we hosted our first on farm event and it filled up our cups more so than we ever knew it would. Since that first date, we have hosted many more events and our dream for the farm changed.

Our idea to 'Welcome you back to the farm' is what inspired us to invest in the peony patch, the expansion and more. We enjoy sharing our family farm with those that appreciate the beauty that is the result of our hard work.

It makes us smile when we break off from our tours and demonstration and folks are overwhelmed by the beauty, "I can't decide what to cut and design with, it's all SO pretty".

There is no wrong answer.

At the end of the evening, we snap photos of everyone's design, because honestly, they inspire us. We wouldn't think to put that color with that, or dang that texture with that ruffle is gorgeous.

Flowers do most of the work, so creating something beautiful happens for everyone.

We are working on creating our 2023 calendar of events now. Our newsletter recipients are the first to hear about all of the exciting happenings... sooo... you better sign up if you haven't already!

We can't wait to welcome you back to the farm in 2023!

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