The Sunshine this past weekend has made it feel like this long winter might be coming to an end. There is still plenty of snow in the field, but fingers crossed it melts by the first day of spring.
What can I say? I'm an optimist.
Both of the hoop houses are full of things growing. So even though the snow outside is postponing dirt work/fencing/etc, there is still plenty to do inside those.
Fred the Hoop House has surplus peony roots, our rose collection and overwintered lisianthus. After planting the 1,200 peony roots last fall we had extras and odds n ends. By the time we got to really think about them the ground was frozen outside so we stuck them in the ground. It's an experiment, and we don't really know what to expect. This past Sunday we did a little exploring and found some that were rotten, but also some that were showing eyes. By mid May we will dig them up and pot any viable roots and plant our dahlias. The roses will be pruned in the next couple of weeks to welcome them to the party called spring. The overwintered lisianthus are not looking good, and they will need to be dug up. Have no worries, we have more lisianthus coming to replace them.
Marie the Hoop House was planted with cool flowers last fall and they all look fantastic. We never got around to putting on frost cloth so we are impressed with all of the green growth inside. Lots of campanula, larkspur, snapdragons, dusty miller and foxglove. Also whatever self seeded along the sides... We have a soft spot for self seeders and figured if they made it through the winter, they deserve to live. This past weekend we also prepped our row that will be our first succession of ranunculus and anemones. We are hoping to harden off and get those planted in the next week.
Before we know it the annual section will be thawed and we can start planting outside under row covers. The perennials will start to wake from their winter slumber, and the daffodils will start to pop up.
As Ruth Stout says, " I love spring anywhere, but if I could choose I would always greet it in a garden."